Installation of suite2p on Windows\uf0c1

Install an Anaconda distribution of Python – Choose Python 3.x and your operating system.

  1. Download the environment.yml file from the suite2p repository ( You can do this by cloning the repository, or copy-pasting the text from the file into a text document on your local computer.
  2. Open an anaconda prompt
  3. If you have an older suite2p environment you can remove it with conda env remove -n suite2p before creating a new one.
  1. Replace {PATH_TO_THE_FILE} with path of environment.yml and run conda env create -f {PATH_TO_THE_FILE}\environment.yml. In this case, {PATH_TO_THE_FILE} is D:\NAPE_2pBenchmark
_images/path.png _images/env.png
  1. To activate this new environment, run conda activate suite2p
  1. You should see (suite2p) on the left side of the terminal line. Now run python -m suite2p and you’re all set.